Tilt and Shift Photography Podcast

17 What would doing 100% do for your photography business

I'm Bobbi!

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Curious about the impact of giving 100% to your photography business? In this episode, I explore the transformative effects of total dedication. Whether for brief periods or throughout your career, this unwavering commitment can transform your art and business approach. I share personal experiences and practical tips for navigating the emotional journey of full commitment. This episode is not just about client work; it’s about unlocking your true potential. Tune in for more insights and a special mention of Storyteller’s School.

What would doing 100% do for your photography business?

Giving 100% is remarkably life-altering, but in the best way! In all honesty, you can never give 100% to something and it will not go well. Don’t believe me? Keep reading….

In this podcast, I delve in the transformative effects of dedicating your full 100% to your photography–whether in short periods of time, or over extended phases of your growth. I also talk about how discovering your unwavering commitment revolutionizes your approach to your art.

I provide concrete action plans as to what giving 100% for your photography looks like and what you can do to work through the inevitable emotions. Finally, I talk about my personal journey towards exercising 100% in my craft and what it did to my business. HINT: it was super good.

Giving your all in photography isn’t just about clients; it’s about unleashing your true potential and sharing that with the world.

Are you interested in exploring the power of giving 100%? Reach out to dive deeper into this transformative practice.

PS…. Curious about Storyteller’s School?

DM me: @barbarichphoto or @tiltandshiftpodcast or @documentaryfamilyphoto

BONUS: Grab a discovery call and I’ll do a FREE portfolio review for you! Click here to choose a spot.

I can’t wait to meet you!






Learn more about coaching and mentoring at bobbibeducation.com.

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