Tilt and Shift Photography Podcast

19 2023 Year-End Special: What and How to INVEST in your business

I'm Bobbi!

Grab a beverage, find a comfy spot and choose your own adventure. This is where you'll find creative inspiration, technical know how, and the support you need to grow.

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Truth talk: Oftentimes what holds our business success back is how we value ourselves.

In this podcast episode, I talk about the vital aspect of valuing oneself, and how self worth plays into entrepreneurship and creativity. This topic highlights a common tendency among creatives to wait for validation or opportunities before investing in their business.

But I challenge you to adopt a proactive mindset for 2024. I encourage you to invest in your business FIRST, emphasizing the importance of believing in your self-worth and business potential.

This episode is a look ahead to 2024 with a mindset free of limiting beliefs imposed by current circumstances. We talk how to make strategic investments for your growth.

Get ready to have your mindset refreshed, and maybe your mind a little blown. Embrace a proactive approach, believing in your worthiness, and making choices today that pave the way for a more successful tomorrow.

And on the topic of investing in your photography business….

Let’s talk about STORYTELLER’S SCHOOL. My 16-week group mentorship is open for you early birds needing a little holiday gift or tax write off 😉 Save $500 until December 31.

Click here https://calendly.com/bobbib/discovery-call to book a free discovery call and I’ll do a FREE portfolio review for you, and we can talk about whether Storyteller’s School is worth your investment.






Learn more about coaching and mentoring at bobbibeducation.com.

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