Tilt and Shift Photography Podcast

When Oversharing is Good for Business. Conversation with Dave Moss

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Trigger Warning: This article discusses topics like depression and suicidal ideation, which might be triggering for some readers.

Ever feel like you’re totally stuck? Whether it’s work, relationships, whatever… sometimes those doubts and fears can grab hold, right? What if the way out of that mess is actually letting yourself be seen, like really seen?

We live in a world that doesn’t always like messy feelings. But being brave enough to own your struggles? That can change everything. That’s why I want you to meet Dave Moss. He’s a photographer, a coach, and someone who’s been through some tough stuff.  Dave’s not only found his own way; he’s committed to helping others too.

His story isn’t just about how he survived – it’s about how anyone can find their way out of the dark. He’s honest about his experiences, the good, the bad, and how therapy was a game-changer. Dave gets the power of being your full self.

So, let’s dive in! We’ll explore how Dave faced his fears, the freedom in being open, and why dreaming big is way more possible than you might think.

The Catalyst of Change

Dave opened up about a crucial turning point in his life, an experience that reshaped his entire existence. He shared with raw honesty, “yesterday was the one-year anniversary of my suicide attempt.” This confession set the tone for our discussion, highlighting a transformation so profound that it redefined his path. His story isn’t just about survival; it’s a poignant tale of rediscovery and rebirth.

Embracing the Shadows

Our conversation ventured into Dave’s affinity for the “dark corners” of his psyche, spaces where he confronted his innermost battles. He was incredibly open about how those inner battles shaped who he was, how they fueled his depression and even led to thoughts of suicide. His revelations weren’t just personal stories but reflections on a universal human experience, connecting deeply with anyone who has felt the weight of their own shadows.

The Power of Sharing

We dissected the notion of “oversharing,” a term we both felt was unfairly used to criticize openness about personal struggles. Dave provided an enlightening perspective, suggesting that what some might view as oversharing is actually the necessary depth of honesty required for genuine connection and societal healing. This conversation challenges us to redefine vulnerability – not as a weakness but as a courageous act of authenticity.

Transformation Through Therapy

Dave’s transformation was significantly influenced by his engagement with therapy. Detailing his experiences with various therapeutic approaches, including EMDR and psilocybin therapy, he highlighted their transformative power. He shared, “Now I’m on the other side of it. I’m six months without a suicidal thought. And, yeah, it’s completely different than where I was. My marriage is in a better place. I’m in a better place. But it was shitty, and awful and hard work. And I don’t want anybody else to have to go through that, which is why I talk about it.” 

His journey shows how therapy doesn’t just help you survive, it can spark a whole new way of being.

The Business of Living: Harnessing the Past, Shaping the Future

What’s fascinating is how Dave connects his personal growth journey with his entrepreneurial work. He discussed how his internal transformation impacted both his photography and coaching. This highlights the undeniable link between our personal development and our professional paths, adding depth, adaptability, and authenticity to our work.

Dave’s story isn’t just about overcoming pain; it’s about turning his experiences into something powerful – a source of empathy and wisdom. He talked a lot about how his past shaped his coaching style, helping him understand his clients on a deeper level.  He sees his history not as something that limits him, but as something that helps him connect with and guide others in a truly meaningful way.

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome: Embrace Failure and Learn from Others

Impostor syndrome? It hits everyone, Dave believes. He shared, “I think it is a truly universal experience if you are not a sociopath.” But what’s crucial is how you deal with feeling like you’re the least knowledgeable person in the room. Dave put it simply: when you see others as way better, that’s impostor syndrome talking. But there’s a flip side.

He reminisced about attending conferences, even as a successful speaker, and soaking up every word from others. “Every single one of these people has at least one thing to tell me that I’ve never known before,” Dave said. It’s not about feeling less than; it’s about learning and leveling up.

Dave’s take is pretty clear: embrace the chance to learn. “People love to share knowledge. People love to lift others up. You just have to be open to it.” But impostor syndrome often makes us shut down, scared that everyone will see our flaws. Dave’s advice? Dive into new experiences, expect to fumble, and use it as a chance to grow. After all, who notices if you mess up? Usually, it’s just you.

And about fearing failure? Dave’s got a refreshing angle. Remembering his dad’s tough love, he realized it’s okay to fail. It’s part of the journey. Trying and failing is better than never stepping up at all. Dave encouraged embracing every stumble, because, in the end, “our worries about the outcome are always worse than the outcome.”

Dreams, Hobbies, and Motivation

Let’s talk about something cool Dave shared: dreams and hobbies. He’s got this dream of hiking the Appalachian Trail someday. Isn’t that something? He even mentioned a friend living midway through the trail, ready to celebrate his journey with a half-gallon of ice cream. That’s the kind of dream that keeps you excited, right?

Dave loves diving into biographies and adventure books, soaking up stories about long-distance runners and mountain climbers. Even though he’s not planning to run marathons or scale peaks himself, these stories fuel his imagination. They remind him – and us – that it’s awesome to live through others’ adventures sometimes. It’s like getting a rush from their experiences, dreaming along with them.

And here’s the kicker – he talks about doing things just for the joy of it. You know, finding that hobby or dream that’s not about the hustle or making a buck but just pure love for the activity. Dave says it’s about dreaming for the joy, not because you need to tick a box or impress someone. Whether it’s running 7k of a 10k dream or just picking up a new hobby, it’s all about the process, enjoying each step, and not stressing over the finish line.

It’s refreshing, right? Instead of always measuring success by the outcome, just embracing the moment, the effort, the pure joy of doing something you love. That’s what Dave is all about. He’s big on supporting others in their dreams too, cheering from the sidelines, even if it’s not his personal gig.

So, when you think about your hobbies or dreams, remember what Dave shared. It’s not about the distance you cover but the joy you find along the way. And hey, if you’re ever feeling down about not hitting a goal, just think about why you started. Sometimes, realizing you’ve already won your race can be the biggest win of all.

Isn’t that a liberating way to look at life? Just dreaming, doing, enjoying. No judgment, just living. That’s Dave’s message, and it’s a pretty good one to live by, don’t you think?

Podcasting, Depression, and Personal Growth

Dave Moss shared something really interesting about his journey with podcasting, which actually ties into his personal growth and how he’s dealt with depression. He’s got this podcast named “So Damn Curious,” inspired by his love for diving deep into conversations, driven by genuine curiosity rather than judgment. It’s all about connecting, understanding, and, frankly, just exploring what makes people tick.

He opened up about his past struggles with starting a podcast. He mentioned how he’d start something and then, well, it just wouldn’t stick. But he learned something crucial along the way. It was about letting go of the pressure, not getting too caught up in niching down or worrying about who’s listening. Instead, it’s about the joy of doing it—having fun with it. That shift in perspective, he says, came from a moment of clarity during a psilocybin trip, where he realized he should focus on what he loves: the conversations, the people, the stories.

His approach is pretty refreshing. He’s not obsessing over weekly uploads or fitting into a mold. If he misses a week, that’s okay. It’s not about sticking to a rigid schedule but about enjoying the process and the growth that comes with it. He’s already recorded a bunch of episodes and is excited for the variety of discussions he’s hosting, from therapy deep-dives to exploring the art of conversation.

Dave’s podcasting journey is really a mirror of his personal growth. It’s about moving from a place of pressure and expectation to one of freedom and enjoyment. It’s clear this approach has transformed podcasting from a task into a source of joy and a tool for connecting with others, echoing his journey through depression towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.

He’s even thinking about reaching out to people he admires, those with stories that can inspire, teach, and resonate with others. It’s not just about chatting with big names but about sharing genuine, impactful conversations. His experience is a testament to how embracing our true interests, without the weight of external expectations, can lead to meaningful personal and creative growth.

Life Purpose and Dreams in A Post-Scarcity Society

Imagine a world where you don’t need to worry about the essentials. Everything you need is right there for you, provided and ready. Dave brought this fascinating idea into our conversation, painting a picture of a post-scarcity society. It’s a concept where you’re not driven by necessity but by passion.

In this world, you could be a cobbler, not because people desperately need shoes, but because you love making them. Your work is about passion, not survival. Dave likened this to the idea behind Star Trek, where society has everything it needs, and people engage in work that fulfills them, like making fancy cocktails just because they enjoy it, not because they need to sell them to survive.

This whole idea challenges how we usually think. We’re so used to the grind, to working because we have to, that the notion of doing something solely because we love it seems almost revolutionary. But that’s the essence of thriving, not just surviving. When all your needs are met, what would you choose to do with your time?

Dave really made me think about the importance of allowing ourselves to dream. Dreaming isn’t just fanciful thinking; it’s about envisioning a life where we can truly thrive. If the constraints of necessity were removed, what would you aspire to do? How would you spend your days?

Final Thoughts

Wrapping up my conversation with Dave Moss, it’s clear that his approach to life and business is a breath of fresh air. He’s taken his hardest moments and turned them into opportunities for growth, not just for himself but for others as well. His honesty about his struggles and victories encourages us to embrace our full selves, showing that true strength comes from vulnerability.

He’s been super open about his struggles and how he’s turned them around to help others. His podcast, “So Damn Curious,” is a perfect example. He dives into all kinds of discussions, making sure it’s more about genuine curiosity than just ticking boxes – it’s all about connecting, learning, and just being real.

Dave also got us thinking about what life could be like if we didn’t have to worry about the basics. Imagine doing something you love, not because you have to, but just because you want to. That’s the kind of world he envisions, and it’s pretty inspiring.

So, from Dave’s story, we learn that it’s okay to share the real you, to talk about the hard stuff, and to dream big. It’s not just okay – it can actually lead to some amazing places. Let’s take a leaf out of his book and not be afraid to share our own stories, dive into our passions, and see where they take us. After all, if Dave can do it, why can’t we?

About Dave Moss

Dave Moss is a transformational coach for adventurous humans who want to improve their lives and businesses — and see the correlation between those things. His holistic approach combines vulnerability, connection, trust, accountability, and a lot of elbow grease and hard work. Over the past decade, he uncovered that his true purpose in life is to better himself as much as possible. Through that unending discovery, he wants to help as many people as possible with their own discoveries. When not coaching, he spends his time running a wedding photography business with his wife Abigail, and spending the rest of his time with his dogs in the woods.

Work With Dave:

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health medical emergency and requires immediate attention, please dial 911 or go to your nearest emergency department. For 24/7 support and consultation, you may call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).






Learn more about coaching and mentoring at bobbibeducation.com.

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