Tilt and Shift Photography Podcast

Why is Everyone Talking About Their Why?

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Have you ever wondered why everyone is suddenly obsessed with finding their ‘why’? It’s all over social media, in business books, and every motivational speaker seems to be shouting about it. But what does it really mean to know your “why,” and why should you even care? 

I recently got to dive deep into this topic on Praise Santos McKenna’s “Branding Your Business” podcast, and let me tell you – it was a game-changer. In this post, I’ll share the eye-opening insights we discussed, why discovering your ‘why’ is more important than ever, and how it can totally transform not just your business, but your entire life. Let’s break it down!

My Journey to Understanding My ‘Why’

Praise began our conversation by mentioning how she’s been a bit of a fan of my documentary photography style. Honestly, hearing that made me chuckle a bit because, for a long time, I struggled with the whole concept of having a “brand.” The word “brand” used to make me cringe. I resisted it because I didn’t want to feel like I was putting myself in a box. For me, my work was about capturing real, raw moments, not about building some kind of image. But then, it hit me – what if I am the brand? What if my brand is just me being me?

I’m a documentary photographer, and I absolutely love what I do. I get to shoot weddings and families, and it’s such a privilege to be able to step into people’s lives and capture their stories. It’s like this beautiful dance where I get to observe and document the little things that make us human. But coming to this realization about my “brand” didn’t happen overnight. It took time, and a lot of inner work, to understand that my ‘why’ was about more than just taking photos.

From Dietitian to Documentary Photographer

The journey to discovering my ‘why’ wasn’t straightforward. About 12 years ago, I was working as a dietitian in academia. By all standards, it was a good job, but I was miserable. I had worked so hard to get my degree, to tick all the boxes that society told me I should tick, and yet, I hated every second of it. I was doing something I thought I should do, not something I wanted to do.

Photography was something I had been dabbling in on the side. I loved writing and storytelling, and photography became another way to tell those stories. It was my way of processing the world around me, a form of therapy almost. I realized that photography was helping me work through some of the traumas I had experienced in life. It was like this little lightbulb moment: “Oh, this is how I’m processing some really big stuff.”

So, I took the leap. I quit my job, got a divorce, and sold my house. I moved to a place that just felt right to me – a town called Nelson in British Columbia. It was a scary decision, but it felt like the right one. I wanted to be around people who were living their lives on their terms, doing what they loved. It was a revelation. There was this entire city of people who prioritized joy, who were doing what they wanted to do, and I wanted to be one of them.

The Reality of Building a Brand

Once I decided to go all-in on photography, the journey was anything but smooth. There were times I got scared and went back to “safe” jobs, working as a cashier or even going back to dietetics. It was like this constant two steps forward, one step back dance. And you know what? That’s okay. Because during this time, I was figuring out what I truly wanted, not just in my work but in my life.

Praise pointed out something so important during our chat – she said we often only see the highlight reels of someone’s success, not the struggle behind it. When you look at where I am now, with my business and my podcast, it might seem like I’ve got it all figured out. But the truth is, it took years of struggle, of dealing with my own “stuff,” to get here. It was about facing those internal battles and realizing that if I wanted to live a life that was true to me, I had to do the hard work.

Why Your ‘Why’ Matters

So why is everyone talking about their why? Because your ‘why’ is the heartbeat of everything you do. It’s what drives you, what makes you get up in the morning and do the work even when it’s hard. For me, my ‘why’ is wrapped up in my core values: joy, connection, and adventure. These aren’t just buzzwords; they are the things that I want to experience in my life and the things I want to bring to others through my work.

As I shared with Praise, joy was something I didn’t have much of growing up. My childhood was filled with a lot of challenges, and joy felt like this elusive thing I was always chasing. When I finally figured out that joy was a core value for me, it became the driving force behind my photography. I wanted to capture those moments of joy in others’ lives and give it back to them. It was like this way of reclaiming something that was missing for me.

But it’s not just about joy. It’s also about gratitude. I want my clients to look at their photos and see the beauty in their lives, to feel grateful for the people and the moments they have. Our society often robs us of that joy and gratitude by making us focus on what we lack, on what we need to buy to feel complete. But through my work, I hope to help people see that they are already enough, that they have so much to be grateful for.

The Power of Knowing Your ‘Why’

Knowing your ‘why’ gives you direction and purpose. It helps you make decisions that align with who you are and what you stand for. When I started being intentional about my ‘why,’ it changed everything. It wasn’t just about raising my prices or getting more clients. It was about connecting with the right clients, the ones who resonated with my values and what I was trying to do. It was about building a brand that felt authentic to me.

Your ‘why’ also empowers you to be vulnerable and real with your audience. The more I opened up to my clients about my own journey, the more they felt comfortable being vulnerable with me. It created this beautiful reciprocal relationship where we could connect on a deeper level. And guess what? It made the photos better. When you’re working with someone who trusts you and feels seen by you, it shows in the images.

Living Out Your ‘Why’

Living out your ‘why’ isn’t always easy. There will be times when you doubt yourself, when you feel like giving up. But it’s in those moments that you have to remember why you started in the first place. For me, it was about finding joy and helping others find it too. It was about connection and adventure, about creating something that felt real and meaningful.

This idea of living out your ‘why’ extends beyond just your work. It’s about how you show up in the world, how you interact with others, and how you choose to spend your time. It’s about making decisions that align with your values, even when it’s hard. And trust me, it will be hard at times. But it’s also incredibly rewarding.

Expansion and Growth

As we look towards the new year, I’ve been thinking a lot about what’s next for me. I want 2024 to be a year of expansion. This past year has been about figuring out what’s possible and what I’m capable of. Now, it’s about taking that and running with it. It’s about expanding in all the areas that matter to me – my business, my personal growth, and my impact on others.

This idea of expansion isn’t just about growing my business or reaching more people. It’s about deepening the work I’m already doing, about finding new ways to bring joy and connection into the world. It’s about continuing to explore my ‘why’ and letting it guide me into new adventures.

How to Find Your ‘Why’

If you’re still searching for your ‘why,’ don’t worry – it’s a journey, not a destination. Start by asking yourself what truly matters to you. What are the values that guide your life? What are the things that light you up and make you feel alive? Your ‘why’ is often rooted in your experiences, in the things that have shaped you and made you who you are.

And remember, your ‘why’ can evolve over time. As you grow and change, so will your ‘why.’ That’s okay. It’s part of the process. The important thing is to stay open and curious, to keep exploring and asking questions. Your ‘why’ is there, waiting for you to discover it. And when you do, it will be the most powerful tool you have in creating a life and a business that truly reflect who you are.

The Bottom Line

Talking with Praise was such a reminder of how important it is to know and embrace your ‘why.’ It’s not just a trendy buzzword or a marketing tactic. It’s the essence of who you are and what you bring to the world. Whether you’re a photographer like me, an entrepreneur, or just someone trying to figure it all out, knowing your ‘why’ can be the key to living a more authentic and fulfilling life.

So, why is everyone talking about their ‘why?’ Because it’s the foundation of everything. It’s what gives your work meaning and purpose. It’s what helps you connect with others on a deeper level – and it’s what keeps you going, even when things get tough. So, take some time to explore your ‘why.’ You might be surprised at what you find. Good luck!






Learn more about coaching and mentoring at bobbibeducation.com.

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