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The Brand Advice You Need to Hear with Brand Photographer Praise Santos

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Are you tired of hearing the same old advice about hustle culture and branding? Get ready to rethink everything you thought you knew about building a brand and living a balanced life!

In this insightful conversation with brand photographer Praise Santos McKenna, we dive deep into the world of branding, creativity, and the importance of rest. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, Praise’s down-to-earth wisdom and infectious enthusiasm will leave you inspired and ready to take on the world.

From Hustle Culture to Balanced Living: Finding the Sweet Spot

Hustle culture has been a buzzword for years, often glorifying the idea of working non-stop to achieve success. Hustle culture tells us we need to constantly be on the go, but Praise questions this mindset. “Are you so that is like the underpinning of hustle culture?” she asks. Reflecting on whether hustle culture is still prevalent, Praise observes, “From my observations, I feel as if there are still people working very hard in an unnecessarily type of way.”

 But is it really the only way? Praise Santos doesn’t think so. In fact, she believes there’s a balance to be found between hard work and rest, and it starts with knowing yourself.

“I feel like there’s probably nature versus nurture,” Praise explains. “There’s probably some people whose personalities that is just their high energy, they really want to do it, and there’s people who are really wired just to, like, have fun. And I love that about them too.”

Praise emphasizes the importance of finding a balance that works for you, one that allows you to be productive without burning out. It’s not about rejecting hard work but about understanding when to push and when to pull back. “My therapist says, Grace, you need to do more underdoing instead of overdoing it. Just try underdoing it.”

The Power of Rest: Why Taking a Break is Essential for Creativity

In a world that celebrates constant productivity, taking time to rest can feel like a radical act. But for Praise, rest is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity for staying creative and avoiding burnout.

“Even Leslie Knope gets tired, even the Energizer Bunny needs some rest,” she says, referencing the beloved character from Parks and Recreation. “So if rest is good enough for Leslie Knope, you know it’s gonna be good enough for us.”

Praise shares her own experiences with feeling the pressure to keep going, even when her body and mind were telling her to slow down. “I could just tell I was tired, and so I think I’m learning the symptoms and the warning signs more early on,” she reflects. “Maybe I don’t need now a full 24 hours. Maybe I just need an hour during lunch to stare at the window, resettle my nervous system, recalibrate a little bit.”

Discovering Your Values: The Heart of Authentic Branding

For Praise, branding goes beyond colors and logos. It’s about discovering and expressing your core values in everything you do. This is where the real magic happens – when your brand reflects who you truly are, it resonates with others on a deeper level.

“What I actually really like the most about branding is helping folks discover what their values are and how it overlaps with the values of their audience,” she explains. “It’s subconscious, but it doesn’t have to stay subconscious. I think our world would be a really wonderful place if values became more conscious, if brand, in that sense, became more conscious.”

Praise encourages us to think about who our heroes are and why we admire them. “Your heroes are going to be different from my heroes, and your reasonings, even if we pick the same hero, might be different,” she says. “That starts to pinpoint of, wow, I realized that some things are, for example, generous with their time, with their home, with their money, etc.”

The Evolution of a Brand Photographer: From Snow Globes to Successful Business

Praise’s journey into brand photography wasn’t a straight path, but rather a winding road filled with exploration and discovery. She started young, borrowing her sister’s camera and taking pictures of snow globes in her room. Over time, her passion for creating beauty evolved into a thriving business.

“It was a huge discovery process of, what do I like? What gives me energy? Who do I like to work with?” she recalls. “I didn’t just stumble upon that, or I just didn’t like, said I’m like, I’m going to focus on brands, and this is going to be my thing.”

Praise’s story is a reminder that building a brand – and a life – is a process of constant learning and growth. It’s about following what gives you energy and being open to where that might lead.

Embracing Beauty: The Value of Awe in Everyday Life

For Praise, beauty is more than just an aesthetic; it’s a core value that shapes everything she does. “Beauty can also be synonymous with awe,” she says. “It’s that feeling of something stops you in your tracks, and it just makes you ponder and think.”

This love of beauty has been a guiding force in Praise’s life, from her early days of reorganizing her closet as a child to her work as a brand photographer today. It’s about creating and capturing moments that inspire awe and gratitude, moments that make us pause and reflect.

What’s Next for Praise Santos: A Journey to Mexico City

As Praise continues to explore new ways to blend personal and professional development, she’s taking her insights on the road. Her next adventure? Hosting a retreat in Mexico City, where participants can recharge, reconnect with their values, and of course, enjoy some amazing food and culture.

“This will be my first international retreat I’m planning, and I’m so excited,” she shares. “It just seems like it’ll be the perfect recipe.”

Final Thoughts: Living a Life True to Your Values

Praise Santos is a testament to the power of living a life true to your values. Whether it’s through branding, photography, or just taking time to rest, her approach is all about authenticity and balance. As you go about your day, consider what values guide you and how you can bring more of them into your work and life. After all, as Praise reminds us, “If rest is good enough for Leslie Knope, you know it’s gonna be good enough for us.”

About Praise Santos McKenna

Praise Santos McKenna is the founder of the branding studio ComePlum where she photographs female entrepreneurs and coaches them to scale their businesses for social impact. Her photos have been featured in Vogue and Forbes and she has taught workshops for the Golden State Warriors Dance Team and Shopify. When not working, you can find her with her husband Barry and their dog Bubbles sniffing out the best pastries in San Francisco.






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